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Assuming micron' is required, the following results were found.

  • FAQs

    AWTA Raw Wool are frequently approached by brokers, wool growers and others who have specific questions about the Company, its services and many other matters which relate to the Wool Industry. A broad selection of questions are available below: AWTA...
  • Australian wool production to lift a little in 2017/18

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production will lift in 2017/18 to 345 mkg greasy, up by 1.4% compared with 2016/17. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool...
  • Trends Within Micron Range
  • Micron Profiles
  • Fleece Measurement Service Request (Yield, Micron, L&S, Colour),-micron,-l-s,-colour
  • Australian wool production forecast to fall in 2018/19 due to tough season

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee has updated its forecast for the 2018/19 season to 322 mkg greasy. This is a 5.7% decline on the Committee’s shorn wool production estimate of 341 mkg greasy for the 2017/18 season. The fall reflects...
  • Seasonal conditions hold back wool production

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that Australian shorn wool production in 2017/18 will reach 338 mkg greasy. This is a 0.6% decline from the levels in 2016/17 and is largely the result of more difficult seasonal conditions...
  • Excellent seasonal conditions push Australian wool production higher in 2016/17

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production will lift by 2.2% to 332 mkg greasy in 2016/17. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production will lift by 2.2% to 332...
  • Micron Profile Consolidated Report
  • Average Micron
  • Fact Sheet - SD & CVD - Measures of Micron Variation
  • 5 Micron Fibres Found in an Ultrafine Grower Lot - Implications for Diameter Distribution Measurement
  • Australian Wool Production Higher

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that Australian shorn wool production in 2016/17 will reach 339 mkg greasy. This 4.3% increase from 2015/16 is largely the result of excellent seasonal conditions in many areas resulting in...
  • Wool production unchanged in 2016/17

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee predicts that shorn wool production in 2016/17 will be at 325 mkg greasy, the same level as its revised estimate for the 2015/16 season. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee predicts...
  • Conrayn Merino Stud Wins Australian Fleece Competition 2021

    Peter & Jayne Lette from Conrayn Merino Stud, Berridale, NSW, have won the prestigious Grand Champion prize at this year’s Australian Fleece Competition. This is the second Grand Champion title awarded to Conrayn Merino Stud, who previously won in...
  • Australian wool production impacted by tough season

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s updated forecast of shorn wool production in 2018/19 is 305 mkg greasy, down by 10.8% from 2017/18. Continuing dry conditions in New South Wales, Queensland, northern Victoria, east Gippsland and...
  • Wool Production Forecast Report (Sep 2013)
  • Wool production remains down in 2015/16

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee (AWPFC) confirmed its forecast of shorn wool production for the 2015/16 season at 322 million kilograms greasy, a 7.0% decline on the 2014/15 season, as predicted at its meeting in December. The...
  • Australian wool production unchanged in 2014/15 and predicted to ease in 2015/16

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts shorn wool production for 2014/15 at 341 mkg, the same as the 2013/14 level. This reflects a small drop in shorn sheep numbers offset by higher average fleece weights. The Committee’s first...
  • Testing the Wool Clip - Chinese
  • Fibre Diameter Profile - May 2015

    A comparison of the Australian wool clip fibre diameter profile for the season-to-date (July 2014 – May 2015) with the equivalent period last season shows some interesting changes. The volume of ultrafine wool 16.5 microns and finer has fallen by 19%...
  • Wool comfort revolution now on sale to global garment makers

    Blue-sky research aimed at guaranteeing the comfort of wool to the consumer is now a commercial reality, with the Australian Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) today launching the Wool ComfortMeter and Wool HandleMeter. Developed by Australia’s Cooperative...
  • Declaration Rates

    Property Identification Code (PIC) transmission rates: AWTA stores PICs that are declared by sellers as part of the presale testing process. Only the code is stored in AWTA's database and it remains anonymous as we have no means of identifying or...
  • Brochures and Handbooks

    As part of its services to its clients and other interested parties, AWTA publishes brochures and various handbooks featuring information in regard to: AWTA's services Explanations/Reviews of current standard test methods Research & development of new...
  • Volume and Trends

    Wool Production & Measurement Trends AWTA's database contains extensive information for the number of bales tested, the weight of wool tested and associated objective measurements. As almost every lot of wool sold in Australia is certified for Yield...
  • About AWTA Raw Wool

    AWTA Raw Wool provides independent and objective wool certification services. AWTA Raw Wool's major services are sampling, testing and certifying the yield, fibre diameter, vegetable matter content, staple length and staple strength of greasy wool...
  • Fleece Measurement

    Samples of fleece wool that are taken from individual sheep are submitted by sheep breeders and wool growers for the routine measurement of Fibre Diameter (micron) using a Laserscan instrument. This instrument provides other data in conjunction with...
  • Drought continues to push Australian wool production lower

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s second forecast of shorn wool production in 2019/20 is 285 mkg greasy. This is a 5% decline on 2018/19 is due to lower sheep shorn numbers. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s...
  • Pesticide Residue Analysis Test Request
  • Decline in Australian wool production in 2015/16 greater than expected

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production for 2015/16 will decline by 7.0% to 322 mkg. This reflects a combination of a 4.8% fall in shorn sheep numbers and a 2.3% drop in average fleece weights. The...
  • Australian wool production to ease in 2015/16

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production for 2015/16 will decline by 4.3% to 332 mkg. This reflects a 3.7% fall in shorn sheep numbers, a result of the continued high turn-off of sheep and lambs in...
  • Mount Challicum Fleece Tops Competition

    An Ultrafine Merino fleece from Mount Challicum Merino Stud won the Grand Champion Fleece title at the Australian Fleece Competition held in Bendigo as part of the Australian Sheep & Wool Show during July 2014. The 16.5 micron fleece was one of almost...
  • Auction Benefits BlazeAid

    More than 140 Victorian wool producers did their part for the rural communities last week, as the annual Australian Fleece competition charity lots went under the hammer. And with the proceeds this year going to flood and fire disaster assistance...

Results 1 - 33 of 33
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