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  • Calibrating Laserscan for Raw Wool Measurement & an Evaluation of an Alternative Transport Fluid
  • Comparison Between Measurement of 'Dry' & 'Conditioned' Wool Samples in a Water Filled Laserscan
  • Comparison of Histograms from OFDA, Projection Microscope & Laserscan for Wool Tops,-projection-microscope-laserscan-for-wool-tops
  • Effects of Standardising the Measurement Range on the Mean & Standard Deviation of Fineness from Laserscan & OFDA
  • Evaluation of the Performance of OFDA2000 Instrument Operating in OFDA 100 Mode
  • Importance of CVD of Blends of Wool Tops when Measured by Airflow, Laserscan & OFDA,-laserscan-ofda
  • Measurement of the Fineness of Superfine Wool - A Comparison of Airflow, Laserscan & OFDA,-laserscan-ofda
  • Measurement of the Fineness of Superfine Wool - Effect of the Revised Laserscan Calibration Function on Comparisons
  • OFDA Measurements Using Two Different Snippet Lengths
  • Relationship Between Airflow & OFDA Measurements for South African Greasy Wool and Commercial Mill Tops
  • Relationship between Core Test Measurements by Airflow, Laserscan & OFDA of Merino Wool Classed at NZPAC,-laserscan-ofda-of-merino-wool-classed-at-nzpac
  • Relationship between New Zealand Merino Fleece Measurement Produced at NZPAC Ltd & their Corresponding Core Test Results
  • Variable Test Specimen Mass Airflow Round Trial
  • Key Test Data

    The Key Test Data Report is updated every month and contains detailed information relating to bales and lots tested by AWTA both for the current and previous seasons. There is also data detailling the comparative changes in Lots, Bales and Weight...
  • Services

    AWTA Raw Wool provides independent and objective wool certification services. Major services provided are sampling, testing and certifying the yield, fibre diameter, vegetable matter content, staple length and staple strength of greasy wool before it...
  • Scoured Wool

    Scouring is the process of preparing and washing a batch of raw sheep's wool to remove impurities such as grease, dirt and suint. AWTA Raw Wool is able to perform the certified testing of scoured and carbonised wool for Wool Base, Vegetable Matter Base...
  • TOPMARK Benchmarking

    TOPMARK is a free benchmarking service for processing mills and topmakers around the world. Independent trials have established there is a strong correlation between the predictive formulae used in this service and the processing performance of wool...
  • Australian wool production unchanged in 2014/15 and predicted to ease in 2015/16

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts shorn wool production for 2014/15 at 341 mkg, the same as the 2013/14 level. This reflects a small drop in shorn sheep numbers offset by higher average fleece weights. The Committee’s first...
  • Australian wool production to ease in 2015/16

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production for 2015/16 will decline by 4.3% to 332 mkg. This reflects a 3.7% fall in shorn sheep numbers, a result of the continued high turn-off of sheep and lambs in...
  • Decline in Australian wool production in 2015/16 greater than expected

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production for 2015/16 will decline by 7.0% to 322 mkg. This reflects a combination of a 4.8% fall in shorn sheep numbers and a 2.3% drop in average fleece weights. The...
  • Wool production remains down in 2015/16

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee (AWPFC) confirmed its forecast of shorn wool production for the 2015/16 season at 322 million kilograms greasy, a 7.0% decline on the 2014/15 season, as predicted at its meeting in December. The...
  • Wool production unchanged in 2016/17

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee predicts that shorn wool production in 2016/17 will be at 325 mkg greasy, the same level as its revised estimate for the 2015/16 season. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee predicts...
  • Excellent seasonal conditions push Australian wool production higher in 2016/17

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production will lift by 2.2% to 332 mkg greasy in 2016/17. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that shorn wool production will lift by 2.2% to 332...
  • Australian Wool Production Higher

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that Australian shorn wool production in 2016/17 will reach 339 mkg greasy. This 4.3% increase from 2015/16 is largely the result of excellent seasonal conditions in many areas resulting in...
  • Australian wool production impacted by tough season

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s updated forecast of shorn wool production in 2018/19 is 305 mkg greasy, down by 10.8% from 2017/18. Continuing dry conditions in New South Wales, Queensland, northern Victoria, east Gippsland and...
  • Drought continues to impact Australian wool production

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee forecasts that Australian shorn wool production for 2018/19 will be 298 mkg greasy. This is a 12.7% decline from the levels in 2017/18 and reflects the continuing drought conditions across large...
  • Australian shorn wool production stabilises in 2020/21

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s second forecast of shorn wool production in 2020/21 is 280 mkg greasy, down 1.1% on 2019/20. The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s second forecast of shorn wool production in...
  • Australian shorn wool production stabilises as fleece weights rise

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s third forecast of shorn wool production for 2020/21 is 287 mkg greasy, up 1.1% on 2019/20. Favourable seasonal conditions in most wool producing regions, except Western Australia and Queensland,...
  • Shorn wool production increases due to improved season

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s fourth forecast of shorn wool production in 2020/21 is 290 mkg greasy. This is a 2.1% increase on the 284 mkg estimate for 2019/20 as key wool growing regions experience favourable seasonal...
  • Shorn wool production moves higher

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s second forecast of shorn wool production in 2021/22 is 310 Mkg greasy, up 5.2% on 2020/21. Widespread rainfall throughout many key wool producing regions augurs well for a good spring season. Both...
  • Australian shorn wool production continues a steady increase

    The latest Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s forecast of shorn wool production for 2021/22 is 314 Mkg greasy, up 6.5% on 2020/21. Most key wool producing regions continue to enjoy favourable seasonal conditions which has boosted per...
  • Shorn wool production increases as the run of good seasons continue

    The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s second forecast of shorn wool production for 2022/23 is 340 Mkg greasy, up 4.9% on 2021/22. The continuing La Niña conditions have set up a very positive spring season in key wool producing...
  • Australian shorn wool production forecast of 340 Mkg greasy for 2022/23

    The latest Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s forecast of shorn wool production for 2022/23 remains at 340 Mkg greasy, up 5.0% on the 324 Mkg greasy estimate for 2021/22. The latest Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee’s...
  • About AWTA Raw Wool

    AWTA Raw Wool provides independent and objective wool certification services. AWTA Raw Wool's major services are sampling, testing and certifying the yield, fibre diameter, vegetable matter content, staple length and staple strength of greasy wool...

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