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  • FAQs

    AWTA Raw Wool are frequently approached by brokers, wool growers and others who have specific questions about the Company, its services and many other matters which relate to the Wool Industry. A broad selection of questions are available below: AWTA...
  • Wool for Future Markets

    The 87th annual Congress of the IWTO concluded 16 May in Hong Kong, with 250+ wool textile industry professionals from around the world in attendance. Communicating wool's environmental credentials emerged as one of the key themes of the event. As wool...
  • Declaration Rates

    Property Identification Code (PIC) transmission rates: AWTA stores PICs that are declared by sellers as part of the presale testing process. Only the code is stored in AWTA's database and it remains anonymous as we have no means of identifying or...
  • Brochures and Handbooks

    As part of its services to its clients and other interested parties, AWTA publishes brochures and various handbooks featuring information in regard to: AWTA's services Explanations/Reviews of current standard test methods Research & development of new...
  • AWTA Podcast - by Elisabeth van Delden

    Michael Jackson is the Managing Director of AWTA, the Australian Wool Testing Authority. In this Wool Academy Podcast Michael explains how wool testing works. In particular he explains what wool tests are applied to each bale of wool and what the...
  • Research papers

    AWTA has achieved a world wide reputation for its research work and now has one of the largest teams of scientists working on raw wool metrology. Our scientists regularly report on their work to the technical forums of the International Wool Textile...
  • Dark & Medullated Fibre Risk Scheme

    Australian Merino wool has enjoyed a high reputation and price premium for more than one hundred years because it produced wool tops with low levels of dark and medullated fibre contamination. Recently, early and later stage processors of Australian...

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