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AWTA's history is synomonous with the transformation of wool production, marketing, valuing and processing from a reliance on subjective appraisal to objective systems of assessment.

AWTA Ltd, and its objective Raw Wool measurement services, has played an increasingly important part in the marketing of Australian wool since the formation of the Authority as a statutory body. The Australian Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) was established in 1957 by the Commonwealth Government.

Following the formation of the Australian Wool Board in 1962, AWTA was established as a separate division within that organisation on 1st July 1963. AWTA retained the same status within the Australian Wool Corporation when it was formed by the amalgamation of the Australian Wool Board and the Australian Wool Commission on 1st January 1973.

Established as a Company Limited by Guarantee on 14th May 1982 consequent to an Australian Government decision to transfer the functions of the statutory AWTA to the public sector. In April 1982, the same wool industry interests that comprised AWTA as a statutory body formed a public company limited by guarantee, to acquire all assets and liabilities of the statutory body. AWTA Ltd commenced operations on 1st July 1982, when it took over all the previous functions of AWTA.

History - Sampling

AWTA Ltd's company structure is unique within the wool industry, being a company limited by guarantee but without shareholding. A Board of Directors, representing all sectors of the Wool Industry, governs the operations of AWTA Ltd ensuring the continued impartiality of the Company. Due to the absence of shareholders, AWTA Ltd retails all profits within the Company. The benefit of this is that it allows AWTA Raw Wool to minimise fee increases, invest in new technology and continue to conduct valuable research and development.

We provide a bridge between the research & commercial application of testing technology, providing major benefits to all segments of the wool industry.

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