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small 相关的搜索结果如下:

  • Change to Certificate Logo - NATA Endorsement

    The keen eyed among you may notice a small change to one of the logo's emblazoning the right hand side of all Test Certificates issued by AWTA Ltd. The new NATA endorsement logo, shown below, will be printed on all Test Certificates from 1st July 2022...
  • Fleece Measurement Service Request (Yield, Micron, L&S, Colour),-micron,-l-s,-colour
  • Yield & Fibre Diameter

    are determined and subtracted in order to obtain the Wool Base. These residual components are: Residual Wool Grease - A small amount of grease is left in the wool after scouring. This amount is determined using Near Infrared Reflection Spectrophotometry...
  • FAQs

    Measurement test? Wool Industry Why are there 4 different Yield results on my Certificates and in the catalogue? Why are small changes in micron so important in determining the price of fine wool? What is Dark and Medullated Fibre Contamination? What...
  • Candice Cordy wins the 2018 Wool Broker of the Year

    Last year, she supported over 50 clients with ram selection and purchases, and classed over 8000 young sheep. She said even small improvements in the performance of a flock can not only improve profitability on-farm, but also provide a boost to a...
  • Testing the Wool Clip - Chinese
  • Fleece Measurement Terms August 2013
  • Seasonal conditions hold back wool production

    on the 2017/18 forecast. This fall reflects the impact of the dry seasonal conditions recently and is the result of a small fall in both the number of sheep shorn and in average wool cuts per head. The Committee noted that for the 2017/18 season to...
  • Australian wool production to lift a little in 2017/18

    reflects an increase the number of sheep shorn as producers respond to the high wool prices. This will be partly offset by a small fall in the average wool cut per head due to drier seasonal conditions in some regions, notably in Western Australia. The...
  • Australian Wool Production Higher

    the coming 2017/18 season is for production to be 340 mkg greasy. This is a 0.4% increase on the 2016/17 forecast reflecting small increases in the number of sheep shorn and similar average wool cuts per head. It assumes normal seasonal conditions...
  • Excellent seasonal conditions push Australian wool production higher in 2016/17

    in average wool cut per head because of excellent season conditions and an abundance of feed, which more than offsets the small decline expected in the number of sheep shorn. This increase is from the Committee's final estimate of shorn wool production...
  • Wool production remains down in 2015/16

    season to February, AWTA test data showed a significant increase in the weight of wool between 16.5 micron and finer, only a small decline in the volumes of 17 micron wool but a significant decline in volumes of wool between 21.6 and 23.5 microns....
  • Premium Yield Test

    Occasionally clients with an urgent requirement for test results can be frustrated by small delays in the issuing of test results due to the need to perform the testing of additional sub-samples or “check-testing”. This happens more frequently with...
  • Australian wool production unchanged in 2014/15 and predicted to ease in 2015/16

    Forecasting Committee forecasts shorn wool production for 2014/15 at 341 mkg, the same as the 2013/14 level. This reflects a small drop in shorn sheep numbers offset by higher average fleece weights. The Committee’s first projection for 2015/16 has been...
  • IWTO Combined Certificates & OMLs

    as well as the procedure for Combinations bySubtraction. The Combinations by Subtraction spread sheet is used when a small proportion (less than 5% by weight) is removed from a delivery. The removed component is retested and subtracted from the original...
  • Australian Wool Production Forecast Update – April 2013

    Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) year on year pre-sale wool test data (+3% till end March) were the main reasons for the small upward revision in production for this season. Wool production gains for 2012/13 are a result of increases in New South Wales,...
  • Electronic Services

    as well as the procedure for Combinations by Subtraction. The Combinations by Subtraction spread sheet is used when a small proportion (less than 5% by weight) is removed from adelivery. The removed component is retested and subtracted from the original...

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