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fibre 相关, 并且和 diameter 相关的搜索结果如下:

  • Importance of CVD of Blends of Wool Tops when Measured by Airflow, Laserscan & OFDA,-laserscan-ofda
  • Measurement of the Fineness of Superfine Wool - A Comparison of Airflow, Laserscan & OFDA,-laserscan-ofda
  • Measurement of the Fineness of Superfine Wool - Effect of the Revised Laserscan Calibration Function on Comparisons
  • OFDA Measurements Using Two Different Snippet Lengths
  • Relationship Between Airflow & OFDA Measurements for South African Greasy Wool and Commercial Mill Tops
  • Relationship between Core Test Measurements by Airflow, Laserscan & OFDA of Merino Wool Classed at NZPAC,-laserscan-ofda-of-merino-wool-classed-at-nzpac
  • Relationship between New Zealand Merino Fleece Measurement Produced at NZPAC Ltd & their Corresponding Core Test Results
  • Variable Test Specimen Mass Airflow Round Trial
  • What are the Limits to Wool Fibre Fineness Measurement
  • Update on Fibre Curvature Measurement

    μm and 18.73 μm with associated curvature results of 80 and 69 0/mm respectively. While there has been no change in the fibre diameter measurement results for LASERSCAN or OFDA we have seen a shift in the uncertified curvature data. The curvature...
  • The Effect of the Diameter Characteristics of the Fibre Ends on the Skin Comfort & Handle of Knitted Wool Fabrics
  • OFDA4000 - A New Instrument for Simultaneous Measurement of Fibre Length & Diameter in Tops
  • Key Test Data

    changes in Lots, Bales and Weight tested and seasonal changes in the measurement of Yield, Vegetable Matter, Fibre Diameter, Staple Length/Strength and Colour. Further data relating to volumes measured within general Fibre Diamter ranges, plus Superfine...
  • Services

    and objective wool certification services. Major services provided are sampling, testing and certifying the yield, fibre diameter, vegetable matter content, staple length and staple strength of greasy wool before it is sold. Our key services can be...
  • Staple Length & Strength

    Staple Length and Staple Strength of the greasy wool measured prior to processing. Unlike core testing for yield and fibre diameter where bales are sampled using a core tube to cut through the wool in the bale, staple Length & Strength is measured from...
  • Scoured Wool

    is able to perform the certified testing of scoured and carbonised wool for Wool Base, Vegetable Matter Base and Mean Fibre Diameter. A further, separate test called a Condition Test is used to determine the oven dry mass and calculated invoice weight...
  • TOPMARK Benchmarking

    mills detailing their performance against key characteristics such as Hauteur, Romaine, Top & Noil Yield, and Core/Comb Fibre Diameter. Participation in TOPMARK is free. Simply contact us and agree to provide greasy wool and top test results on...
  • Australian wool production unchanged in 2014/15 and predicted to ease in 2015/16

    microns and broader), in the first nine months of the season. This has resulted in a 0.2 micron increase in the mean fibre diameter for Australia so far this season. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates and forecasts for Australia Parameter...
  • Australian wool production to ease in 2015/16

    microns, 22-23 microns and broad (27 microns and broader) wool. This resulted in a 0.1 micron increase in the mean fibre diameter for Australia. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates and forecasts for Australia Parameter 2013/14 Final Estimate...
  • Decline in Australian wool production in 2015/16 greater than expected

    with smaller declines for finer Merino wool and for Crossbred wool. This resulted in a 0.1 micron decline in the mean fibre diameter for Australia to November. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates and forecasts for Australia Parameter 2013/14...
  • Wool production remains down in 2015/16

    volumes of wool between 21.6 and 23.5 microns. Volumes of other micron categories mostly fell by around 6%-9%. The mean fibre diameter for Australia to February was 21.1 microns, the same as in 2014/15. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates and...
  • Wool production unchanged in 2016/17

    micron ranges broader than 17 micron and a significant drop in wool volumes between 21.6 and 23.5 microns. The mean fibre diameter for Australia in 2015/16 was 21.0 microns, the same as in 2014/15. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates and...
  • Excellent seasonal conditions push Australian wool production higher in 2016/17

    There was an increase in the volumes of wool for all micron ranges between 18.6 micron and 23.5 micron. The mean fibre diameter for Australia in 2016/17 to November was 20.7 microns, the same as in 2015/16. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates...
  • Australian Wool Production Higher

    excellent seasonal conditions. There has also been a significant fall in the volume of 26 to 30 micron wool. The mean fibre diameter for Australia to March was 21.0 microns, the same as in 2015/16. Table 1: Summary of wool production estimates and...
  • Australian wool production impacted by tough season

    micron wool and 28.6 microns and broader wool. Volumes have generally fallen for other micron ranges. The average mean fibre diameter for the season to the end of October was 20.1 microns, down by 0.5 microns. The average staple length across Australia...
  • Drought continues to impact Australian wool production

    dry conditions. Average yield, which currently stands at 63.8% is at its lowest level in 8 seasons while the mean fibre diameter of the national clip is 0.5 microns finer than at the same time last season. There have also been considerable reductions in...
  • Australian shorn wool production stabilises in 2020/21

    season. AWTA test data showed that the average yield ended the 2019/20 season at 62.2%, down 0.9% on 2018/19, mean fibre diameter was unchanged at 20.5 microns while staple length increased by 2 mm to 85.6 mm as producers moved away from shorter...
  • Australian shorn wool production stabilises as fleece weights rise

    (which is resulting in longer fleece wool). AWTA key test data from July to November show a year-on-year increase in fibre diameter of 0.2 microns, a 2.9 mm increase in staple length, a 1.3 N/ktex increase in staple strength and 0.8% increase in yield....
  • Shorn wool production increases due to improved season

    some of the increase in staple length can be attributed to delayed shearing. There has also been an increase in mean fibre diameter to 20.8 µm, up 0.2 µm, and staple strength up 1.5 N/ktex to 33.8 N/ktex. Shorn wool production is forecast to fall in...
  • Shorn wool production moves higher

    (+6.8%) compared to the 2019/20 season. AWTA test data for the 2020/21 season reflect this and show increases in mean fibre diameter (20.8 microns, up 0.3), staple length (88.3 mm, up 2.7) and staple strength (34.0 N/ktex, up 1.5). Table 1: Summary of...
  • Australian shorn wool production continues a steady increase

    314 6.5% 321 2.5% Table 2: AWTA key test data for 2020/21 and 2021/22 July to March 2020/21 2021/22 Change y-o-y Mean fibre diameter (µm) 20.8 20.9 + 0.1 Staple length (mm) 89.0 88.6 - 0.4 Staple strength (N/ktex) 33.8 34.6 + 0.8 Yield (%) 64.2 65.3 +...
  • Shorn wool production increases as the run of good seasons continue

    5.3% 5.7% 4.3% 11.7% 13.5% 4.9% Table 3: AWTA key test data for 2020/21 and 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 Change y-o-y Mean fibre diameter (µm) 20.8 20.8 0 Staple length (mm) 88.3 88.1 - 0.2 Staple strength (N/ktex) 34.0 34.9 + 0.9 Yield (%) 63.9 64.9 + 1.0...
  • Australian shorn wool production forecast of 340 Mkg greasy for 2022/23

    13.5% 5.0% Table 3: AWTA key test data for 2021/22 and 2022/23 (July to November) 2021/22 2022/23 Change y-o-y Mean fibre diameter (µm) 20.5 20.4 - 0.1 Staple length (mm) 89.5 90.5 + 1.0 Staple strength (N/ktex) 35.1 35.1 0 Yield (%) 65.0 65.7 + 0.7...
  • About AWTA Raw Wool

    objective wool certification services. AWTA Raw Wool's major services are sampling, testing and certifying the yield, fibre diameter, vegetable matter content, staple length and staple strength of greasy wool before it is sold. In addition, AWTA Raw...

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