General wool testing fees have increased by 2% for the 2013/14 wool selling season, effective from 1st July 2013.
AWTA’s Raw Wool operations are always looking for ways to reduce testing costs in order to keep testing fees to customers as low as possible. Electricity is a significant cost in wool testing, particularly in Western Australia, which provided the impetus for two major projects to be undertaken in AWTA’s WA laboratory facilities.
We are pleased to announce the launch of our new and improved AWTA Raw Wool website.
The launch of the new website, with a fresh new look and modern design offers quick and user-friendly navigation to essential information on Wool Testing and the broader AWTA Ltd group.
The monthly comparisons of Total Lots, Bales and Weight for May 2013 compared with the same period last season are -12.7%, -9.5% and -9.1% respectively.
The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee has increased the forecast of shorn wool production for 2012/13 to 350mkg, 2.3% above the 342mkg produced in 2011/12.
阅读全文: Australian Wool Production Forecast Update – April 2013