The Australian Wool Traceability Hub is an opportunity for the Australian wool industry to get ahead of the curve when it comes to Australian wool’s Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) response plan as well as end-to-end commercial traceability from farm to first stage processor.
阅读全文: Australian Wool Traceability Hub – 90% of Wool to be Traced by 2025
The monthly comparisons of Total Lots, Bales and Weight tested for April 2024 compared with the same period last season are:
+13%, +17.5% and +17.8% respectively.
The Australian Wool Production Forecasting Committee (AWPFC) has updated its forecast of shorn wool production for the 2023/24 season. The fourth forecast is for production of 324 million kilograms (Mkg) greasy, 1.0% lower than the 2022/23 estimate and a 4 Mkg greasy downward revision of the December forecast.
阅读全文: Australian shorn wool production forecast of 324 Mkg greasy in 2023/24
The IWTO Congress, hosted this year by Wool Industries Australia (WIA) in conjunction with IWTO, is the annual meeting point for the global wool industry.
The potential for Foot-and-Mouth disease to have a devastating impact on the wool industry is well known and recently illustrated by outbreaks in South Africa and the United Kingdom. As such, planning for, and mitigating the risks associated with such an outbreak in the Australian sheep flock has been an industry focus.